I see a lot of comments from bootlickers on how the protests are dumb and stupid and dont work and engagement metrics are still holding but the quality of posts and comments has noticeably depreciated imo. So much so that whenever I visit the site Im actually shocked at how bad it is.

  • UxorialCow
    91 year ago

    Yeah, ive visited a couple times out of morbid curiousity and its all just lowquality posts, nsfw/jon oliver, and people aggressively licking spez’s boots while saying “but uhh fuck spez tho” with his boot in their mouth. Gonna use power delete suite here tonight just in case the api changes disable it, and use fdroids stealth reddit scraper to view the few small subs i actually care about still

    • mrbubblesort
      1 year ago

      FYI, I used power delete on my account to replace everything with junk. It missed about 1~2 comments per page, so you may need to run it a few times to get everything