• LinkOpensChest.wav
    1741 year ago

    Tbh everyone just needs to leave reddit

    Let the bots take over

    It’s always been Stormfront 2.0 anyway

    Fuck reddit

    • minnieoOP
      781 year ago

      Yes, at this point, there is really no fucking saving it or hoping for changes, they will go as far as they need to go to get their profits back up. It must be abandoned. The only time I ever spend on reddit is to convince people to migrate to kbin or lemmy (nicely, dont be annoying)

        • ILeftReddit
          191 year ago

          @OtakuAltair At this point I don’t care about redittors or reddit. It can go on to be wildly successful, doesn’t matter to me, I’ve moved on.

        • @Mereo@lemmy.world
          131 year ago

          Unfortunately, the majority will not care. Reddit’s app ranks first in iOS’ app store after Twitter. This is what Reddit wants, people to stop using third-party apps so that they can easily target ads to users.

        • GK98
          81 year ago

          I had no idea lemmy was a thing until r/piracy. More big subs need to switch

      • Dreckard
        281 year ago

        What really worked for me was the https://sub.rehab website. When I found that, it made me realize I need to stick with the people who actually built the subs I love – the mods. Here I am.

        • zd
          11 year ago

          My issue with all of this is everything is scattered all over the place now. Many of my followed reddit subs are on lemmy and then some are on other platforms and it’s too much to keep track of. So my followed content is going to drop off a lot in general - I refuse to sign up for Lemmy. The name alone annoys me.

          • minnieoOP
            21 year ago

            as long as they move to federated sites, its fine, you can access them all from kbin as usual. but if they decide to make their own site, or go somewhere centralized (ew) then yea, not much we can do abt that

    • dismalnow
      1 year ago



      It’s always been Stormfront 2.0 anyway

      Exception taken.

      Don’t get me wrong: it has been an absolute dogshit downward spiral for at least the last five years, but what it has become bares almost no resemblance to what it was 15 years ago - or even 8 years ago.

      It had great potential and utility. All of it squandered via some of the worst decisions possible. Each of which ignored the current user base in favor of a quick buck.

      It needs to be taken out behind the barn and shot.

      Echoing: Fuck Reddit.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        01 year ago

        When I joined in 2011, it was already a bastion of pedophilia and bigotry, so I’m not sure which era you’re talking about

        In my experience, reddit has always been a dogshit web site

        • dismalnow
          51 year ago

          I understand now, and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion.

          That type of content comes with the territory, and could easily be avoided until relatively recently if you didn’t go looking for it.

          What was arguably the most diverse and far reaching collection of individual message boards cannot be filed away as a hyperbolic monolith of the perceived horrors such a place will inevitably contain.

          Whatever your interest, reddit had a lively discussion for it. The cancer you describe is a result of the society it allowed to publish. Further, it metastisized from it’s self-contained cesspools when they were closed.

          It’s clear that either your experience on the site is narrow, while the site is extremely wide - or you’re retconning your prior experience based upon your current opinion.

    • ErraticDragon
      121 year ago

      You know how there are posts all over Reddit (and even all over here) saying “what’s with the porn on r/interestingasfuck?” or “I don’t know what’s going on with John Oliver”?

      It’s because of them that the “protests” must continue. Raising awareness is the point. Only a small percentage even know what’s going on.

      Reddit would love for everyone to quietly go away, they’ll pretend nothing happened and move on with a small chunk of users missing but still growing.

    • Harry
      111 year ago

      I just deleted my reddit account. Fuck that bs.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        21 year ago

        I’ve overwritten anything useful from mine, and I’ll be deleting mine after June 30. Not that I am using reddit, but I want to contribute to that drop in users that will come once 3PA are disabled.

    • okbin
      1 year ago

      they won’t

      i tried to move my 100k subscriber sub to kbin (i also offered two different chatrooms)

      6 came to kbin and people started attacking me for having the sub closed (one person even resorted to transphobia like jesus fucking christ) and being “political” and one person even made their own version of my subreddit

      moving is too much work (it’s actually not that much work, but since we now need two videos playing at the same time and can only watch those vids for 30 seconds, everything is “too much work”). that’s why people are still on facebook, twitter, instagram, and tiktok.

      i’m very glad there’s an acceptable amount of activity on the “threadiverse” right now… but i just don’t have hope that everyone will leave.

        • Ataraxia
          11 year ago

          Right. Who wants to have a community full of those kinds of people.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        51 year ago

        I’m not sure what the skill issue is on that sub, but I, a moron, had no more trouble coming here than I did navigating reddit

        Those are either bootlickers or bots, who can safely be disregarded

        74% of reddit were ignorant assholes anyway, so no loss

      • @okbin@kbin.social it’s ok, people will gradually move out as Reddit deteriorates. Eventually most interesting people will be elsewhere, the platform will still exist but it will be an empty shell.
        The important thing is for threadiverse to take flight and acquire a sustainable size, the rest will happen in time.

      • millions
        11 year ago

        Guessing it’s an owl house sub judging by your profile pic?

        • okbin
          11 year ago

          nope. BPDmemes… which is just fucking sad because BPD is associated with identity issues including gender identity, so in some sense being transphobic can be ableist in that context as well.

          i’m letting it go, they were probably just really dysregulated (as is the nature of this illness). but i did ban them for all of pride month.

          however, my friend and i HAVE seen transphobia in the owl house community and we don’t understand??? there are literally multiple trans characters on the show like why would you be transphobic if you’re a fan you. walnut

    • @danc4498@lemmy.world
      91 year ago

      Reddit’s relevance came from the people that used the app, not the app itself. If Reddit wants to fuck over the people that made the app what it is today, they will end up useless.

      Reddit is not like Twitter in that it thrived from mass population of people using it. It thrived from quality users that provided quality content.

      • tal
        41 year ago

        Ehhh. I think that there’s value to having a large userbase. First, a large userbase means that there are going to tend to be more people to provide quality content. Second, some people contribute content because they want to reach a large audience – I understand that this is one reason that /r/askhistorians decided not to participate.

        None of this is to say that this won’t have a negative impact on Reddit. And I think that the observation, which I’ve seen some other places, is that these changes probably disproportionately impacts people who were contributing content. Just that I don’t think that one can reduce the value of having a large userbase to nil either.

        • minnieoOP
          1 year ago

          it wont happen because the fediverse is decentralized. if this instance goes to shit, we simply move on to another, without needing to abandon the entire platform

        • Sir_Kevin
          11 year ago

          This is why I don’t want to push too hard to bring the masses here. If every derp from reddit shows up it’s just going to dilute the quality of lemmy.

      • Yewb
        441 year ago

        It will only slow them temporarily you don’t need api for bots

        • Kichae
          271 year ago

          Yeah, it’ll only kill the useful ones in the long run.

          • CoderKat
            151 year ago

            Yeah. The unethical bots will just use scrapers, as they already do for the many websites that don’t offer APIs. They’re already violating ToS, so they don’t care. Ethical ones won’t have that option (at least not past the fairly low quota).

        • troybot
          261 year ago

          Correct. Now the bots will be constantly scraping the pages of every post which will be a much bigger burden on their servers.

          • Skray
            181 year ago

            It’s funny, years ago websites switched to openly available APIs specifically to lessen server burden because of bots. Now they’re swapping away from APIs because of bots, but those bots are just gonna go back to scraping.

          • Yewb
            81 year ago

            Exactly spez forgot why they needed an api

        • ErraticDragon
          111 year ago

          From my understanding, they already aren’t using the API.

          If the spam bots were using the API, then Reddit would have been able to shut them down trivially. Part of logging in via API requires a “client ID” that uniquely identifies the creator of the app/bot being used.

          They could theoretically have each bot account create its own client ID, but even that would be a pretty obvious thing to look for.

      • HidingCat
        41 year ago

        Spam bots don’t really need the API access level that calls for the increased fees.

    • victron
      51 year ago

      I’m eager to see how reddit becomes a steaming turd after June 30th, that imbecile is gonna end up with nothing of value in his hands. Let’s see where that profit comes from then

      • @samus12345@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        It will be another giant soulless site for the masses to endlessly scroll and see the same tired reposts and memes. They’re welcome to it.

    • zeda
      51 year ago

      Yep, finally using this site lol. Admins have gone full dictator over there.

      So we get a boost and upvote here eh? Neat

        • Gabbro
          11 year ago

          Which I still find weird because I never followed anyone on my anti-social media anyway.

          • AdmiralSnackbar
            11 year ago

            My understanding is that upvotes don’t do anything themselves, boost functions like a reddit upvote in that it will bring a comment or article to the top of the queue. I use it as a ‘people should see this’ button.

          • JWBananas
            11 year ago

            You can think of kbin as a hybrid of Lemmy and Mastodon (and it federates with both through ActivityPub). It has interfaces both for communities (magazines) and for uncategorized posts/status updates/tweets (microblogs).

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        31 year ago

        I used Power Delete Suite, and I overwrote my comments instead of merely deleting. That makes the data even less useful to reddit.

        • Stephen Bannasch
          31 year ago

          @LinkOpensChest_wav That makes total sense in order to make reddit less valuable. It only took me an hour and I did it manually because wanted to see my comments – there were many kind and interesting things I wrote. It was kind of sad and it also felt right to just go.

    • liminis
      31 year ago

      The only good that can truly come of this at this stage is sabotaging Huffman’s hopes of cashing out for a second time, after he sold his stake for a ““mere”” 10 million back in the day.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        51 year ago

        Imagine having more money than anyone can spend in a lifetime and users who create the content for you. All you have to do is sit on your ass and do and say nothing, but then imagine what a pants-on-head stupid fool you’d have to be to do anything to mess that up, to let your ego totally disrupt the sweet deal you’ve got going. That’s Steve Huffman – the king of all losers.

    • density
      31 year ago

      PSA: The shitty website this person mentioned bears NO RESEMBLANCE to reddit.

      It’s always been S---------- 2.0 anyway

      that is a really fucked up thing to say. idk who you are or what are your motivations.

      making an equivalency between reddit and a 100% white supremacist nazi website is:

      a) promoting that website

      b) saying that website is similar to reddit. Does S----------- have the variety of users and topics as reddit? No! Whatever your criticism of reddit, however over tolerant reddit was of some really shitty communities, it was not founded explicitly and exclusively as a way of promoting genocide and violence.

      Your comparison serves only to uplift S------------. Which may or may not be your intention.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        1 year ago

        It’s been overrun by white supremacists since I first joined in 2011, and that’s never changed.

        Check any popular sub on r/all, and they’re the prevailing voice that’s never silenced. r/PublicFreakout, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/interestingasfuck, r/AskReddit and r/unpopularopinion are just a few examples of subreddits where white supremacists run rampant. It’s so bad that I deleted my first account due to receiving weekly homophobic death threats, which went ignored by the mods and admins.

        Reddit has always been a bastion of white supremacy and pedophilia under the guise of “free speech.” That’s demonstrably true. The whole “leans left” thing is just more propaganda.

        Edit: I maintain that reddit was founded specifically to platform hate speech. It’s certainly been consistently pursuing that goal

        But you are correct in saying that reddit is not the same as Stormfront. It is much worse than Stormfront in that most users don’t perceive the white supremacist subtext in the majority of threads on popular subs

    • 52fighters
      21 year ago

      I could see some disgruntled users intentionally trolling and spamming the subs just to trash it in revenge for what Reddit is doing to them.

    • IninewCrow
      21 year ago

      Also … Reddit is a private business where people were allowed to come in to chat and talk … don’t act surprised when the owners and managers change their minds for whatever reason and decide to kick you out.

      It’s the company’s space, like the lobby of a shopping mall … people are freely allowed to come in, sit down and chat … don’t be surprised if the owners of the mall decide one day that they no longer like you any more and bring security in to escort you out.

      You have no rights or privileges on a private social media site … you have temporary permissions … and those can be changed, disregarded, forgotten or done away with at the discretion of the owners at any time for any reason.

      LEAVE REDDIT … you’re on someone else’s lawn and they don’t like you any more.

  • @nonexcludable@feddit.uk
    371 year ago

    Jesus, this is escalating fast. I never actually thought admins would go to such crazy lengths. Such pathetic desperation!

    • The_Empty_Tuple
      171 year ago

      I fully expected Reddit to fight dirty, but it’s still surreal watching the iron hand come down against the community. Silver lining, I hope this helps accelerate the migration to the fediverse.

      • @nonexcludable@feddit.uk
        71 year ago

        I remember ten years ago sharing beers with admins who visited London. Back when there was a push for developing local communities and Global Reddit Meetup Day. There was good vibes and a feeling of mutual respect.

        I met my wife through Reddit.

        I still have so much affection for the site in my heart.

        It’s just wild to me how much has changed.

        Really glad I never got that Snoo tattoo now.

        • The_Empty_Tuple
          51 year ago

          Reddit isn’t the first online community I watched outgrow itself into the grave. I guess it’s just the cycle of social media. Here’s hoping this time’s different.

        • kinyutaka
          31 year ago

          The exact reason not to get tattoos of weird corporate shit.

    • abff08f4813c
      121 year ago

      We knew that this was a possibility since day one. The mods took a stand anyways, risking it all for the community. Still a shame to see it happen.

        • abff08f4813c
          11 year ago

          Well, getting locked out is no fun. But yeah, you’re right, reddit loses out more (on the unpaid labour of love).

    • Thalyssa
      61 year ago

      “The protests didn’t do anything”

      “Waaah, my ad reveue 😭”

  • DBT
    161 year ago

    Looks like they did the same with /r/interestingasfuck

    RIP Reddit lol

    • exohuman
      11 year ago

      I sorted by new and the nsfw posts are coming in as of 1 hour ago.

  • meat_popsicle
    151 year ago

    If Reddit is taking the mantle of determining valid content and is editing and changing posts for users without their consent, doesn’t that run the risk they fall afoul of the Safe Harbor clause of DMCA?

    IMO they’re getting mighty close to editorial control.

    • Longjonsiiver
      41 year ago

      You are definitely onto something. Section 230 is what keeps Reddit alive, get rid of Section 230 protection of reddit GG.

      Best course of action, file a complaint that Reddit Inc. Filed falsified documents with the Supreme Court on January 2023. They should not be able to use section 230 as a form of defense anymore, now that Reddit has constantly removed mods and interfered with subbreddits. FYI I modded the original r/EASportsFC and Reddit admins gifted to it r/fifa been looking into this for awhile, but I also eat crayons and not a laywer.

      Filed January 2023 with Supreme Court

      Reddit, Inc. is a community of online communities.
      Reddit provides a platform for Internet users (called
      “Redditors”) to connect with each other in communities (called “subreddits”) that are based on shared interests. 2 Reddit is one of the most popular sites on the Internet, with more than 50 million active users every day. But Reddit’s
      approach to content moderation makes it different
      from many social media companies. As explained below, Reddit relies on a bottom-up, community-based approach where individual users—not the company—take the lead.

      Redditors create and organize their own subreddits devoted to their specific interests. They establish their own rules governing what content is acceptable within their subreddit. And those rules are enforced by users themselves.Redditors also directly control the degree to which user-generated content items like posts, comments, and
      media are visible on the platform. The display of content on Reddit is thus primarily driven by humans—not by centralized algorithms.


      Tldr - fuck reddit.

    • Melpomene
      41 year ago

      Ooh, an interesting theory, though we’d need an actionable scenario to test it. But in theory …I think so. Moderation itself no, filtering posts or editing out words or phrases no, but editing posts in a way that changes the intent / message might run afoul of Section 230. Unclear if the courts would apply it per post or for Reddit as a whole, though.

  • I have to add though that the form of protest proposed by that mod team is pathetic.

    “only YOUR pictures of suggestive vegetables, must still be OC”

    Either shut the sub down or burn that shit down by turning it into a porn sub. This little “we’re gonna be creative, we’re gonna allow suggestive vegetables!” mischief is pathetic af.

    • kokoapadoa
      51 year ago

      I mean the fact it was a pathetic protest method and and admins still shot it down speaks leagues about how much they care about their users. I don’t say this word lightly: the admins are snowflakes.

      • skogens_ro
        21 year ago

        Marking the sub as nsfw affects their ad revenue, that’s is the only reason they care.

        Doing stuff like posting pictures of suggestive veg or John Oliver seems like a way for mods to protest without driving as many users away.

    • @fuser@quex.cc
      151 year ago

      “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” - Frank Zappa

  • Thalyssa
    1 year ago

    The dumbfuck bootlickers who’re “yay my content coming back” are fucking cringe. I hope the new people who mod the subs are alt-right trash who will push their shitty ideology onto the subs.

    Good riddance.

    • LinkOpensChest.wav
      11 year ago

      I had some awards left, and I gave them to the shittiest most harmful spambots I could find on r/all

      That web site can eat my ass

  • @myersguyA
    111 year ago

    Surely they can’t survive after this, right? Like, people can’t be okay with this.

    • c3VjayBteSBhc3MK
      41 year ago

      It’s staggering the amount of people that are fine with things and just want it to go back to normal

      • Skray
        31 year ago

        Too many users on reddit love this because they hate mods and think reddit is somehow going to get rid of moderation when reddit is trying to be advertiser friendly.

    • Overzeetop
      11 year ago

      Look, there are 30 million r/pics subscribers and 50,000 voted to go SJO. Reddit is mostly lurkers and scrollers, and they provide nothing but the eyeballs. 80% of the front page (and I’m being generous) could be completely recreated using only meme/pic/video reposts and newscrawler bots posting stories from the top 40 retail news outlets (let’s face it - every WaPo, Hill, Verge, etc. story gets posted by a “user” within minutes of publication already).

      The old reddit was interaction based. New reddit is mindless media consumption. We’re better here and the thumbflickers can join us or not but they don’t add anything to the fediverse except cost. It will take a couple of years to transition, but if the people who value help and discourse can stick it out here for 6 months we really will have a better reddit. With blackjack and hookers, too.

    • zekiz
      1 year ago

      People are ok with this and even if not, they’ll forget it in a few months. Remember when YouTube removed the dislike button? Or surveys? Or forced more ads onto its users?

      Nobody is talking about that anymore (except maybe the ads part)

      • @ImFresh3x@sh.itjust.works
        11 year ago

        There’s no real alternative to YouTube. An aggregator is not as novel or as complex as a video hosting service with millions of channels with huge productions and followings. This is also a lot bigger than a thumbs down button.

  • adamthinks
    1 year ago

    The most mindboggling thing about all of this to me is if Reddit had just improved their own app to be up to par with the multitude of 3rd party apps out there, none of this would have been an issue. They could’ve migrated everyone over to the official app easily with just a better experience. If a single person can wrangle an app together that outperforms the official one in a month, Reddit has no excuses. Personally, I’m delighted all of this has happened, as it’s allowed for multiple viable alternatives to be populated. Which I’ve been wanting for a very very long time.

    • korny
      31 year ago

      It really could have been a symbiotic relationship with the third party app devs. But Reddit went all psycho and seems to have taken the API push back personally.

    • @grue@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Making a better user experience is fundamentally incompatible with Reddit’s goal, which is to forcibly milk users for ad impressions. A first-party app better then the third-party ones was never going to happen.